Thursday 28 August 2014

Blob Tree

Introducing the Blob tree this is something I came across on my last placement. I loved its multitude of uses and also discovered i found it helpful myself. So what is it? Take a look.

As i said one of the reasons i liked the blob tree so much is that it can be used for so many things and people, hence why is so amazing, on this blog its even been used by a teacher to see how pupils are progressing in maths. For me the blob tree feels to to represent life, most of us can relate to one of the images in some way or another. Talking about (and even thinking about) how we're feeling is rarely an easy thing which is something but incredibly important the tree can sometimes help with this by enabling you to identify how your feeling and think about factors around this, such as why you might be feeling that way, are you ok being there, where you might like to be and also over time looking at where you have been. Personally i think its best done quickly that way i always seem to get a more accurate representation. This might sound strange but i then talk through to myself what i just mentioned, if i'm not ok with where I'm at, I then try to look if there's anything i can do to help myself, such as reducing stresses (not always possible), talking through how im feeling with someone and sometimes just making time for me time. Sometimes your not able to do that but even just understanding how your feeling can be a huge step. So i've talked about using it for yourself but you could also use it to help others too the same principles apply. Kids love it too, and you can even make your "own" version  in order to focus on what you want. But remember everyone may chose the image for a different reason so never assume, one person might see the image on the rope as having a great time,  where another could see it as being out of control. So use its great and best used in order to start conversations.

Blob Tree image: (Accessesed 27/08/2014)

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